How to assign a product variant to a channel


How to assign a product variant to a channel

  1. Login into your PCM environment

  2. Click on “Products”

  3. Click on “All Products”

  4. To show all the variants of the products, click on the ‘’+ more filters’’ button.

  5. Check the checkbox ‘’include variants’’ and then click on ‘’Apply filter(s)’’. (See image 1).

Image 1: Check the include variants box for the product variants to appear.


You will now see the master product followed by the variants of the product.
Note: If you check the master checkbox, all product variants will automatically be checked as well.

Now you can assign the variants to a channel.

  1. Check the checkbox of the variants you would like to assign

  2. Click the ‘’more actions’’ button

  3. Click the ‘’add to channels’’ button. (See image 2).

Image 2: Add product variants to a channel.


A new window will appear.
4. Choose the channel(s) for your variants and click ‘’assign’’.

The following text will appear, ‘’Successfully saved channel assignments!’’. Now your variants are successfully assigned to the channels. (See image 3).

Image 3: Assign the channels

Note: on current release, you must reassign the previous assigned product variants to add a new one to the assigned list.

 Overview of the product variants in your channel(s)

To see the assigned product variants on a specific channel, click on ‘’channel filter’’ and select your desired channel (See image 4).

Note: the ‘’include variants’’ filter must be active to see the product variants. (See image 1).

Image 4: Overview of the product variants on a channel

Note: If you refresh the page the “include variants” filter will be deactivated. You can reactivate this by following the same steps on image 1.


copyright wolfpack DCS b.v. 2020