User roles and meaning:

User roles and meaning:






Able to do all the actions within the specific tennant


This role is used to be able to view AmazonPII information. If you don’t have this role PII information for Amazon orders will be not visible.

Configuration manager

This role will be able to adjust configuration. This applies to all configurations in the ORP such as channel configuration and categories.


This role is able to refund, superseded by Refund manager.


This role can access all scopes for a tenant. This overrules the checkboxes on user level.

Order manager

This role will be able to see all orders, notes, RMA’s, and update RMA’s


This role can modify orders and refunds

Price manager

In this role your are able to change the prices of the SKU’s in the Price User Interface

Product approver

This role can do everything a product manager can do and set products to Completed

Product manager

This role will be used to list and edit products, edit prices, and edit stock

Refund manager

This role can do everything an order manager can do and had access to the refund section. A refund manager will also be able to payout refunds.

Reporting manager

This role can view all reports in the powerBI section

Scope decorator

This role can modify the attributes for a scope. This role can’t add, delete, rename, or modify scopes in any other way, only scope attributes can be modified

Stock Manager

In this role your are able to change the stock of the SKU’s in the Stock User Interface

Store Manager

Able to maintain the catalog within a specific scope


With this role you are able to login in ORP, but you can not change any settings

User manager

This role can manage other users and their roles in ORP


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