How to delete the category assignment of a product

When you create product you assign them to a category. Oops, in the wrong category?
You can unassign the product in that category yourself now.
But remember, this will not be visible in ány category then. So make sure you assign it to another category.
( Please note: 11 jan 2023 only available in PCM Staging for now)

  1. Login into your PCM environment

  2. Click on Products left on your navigation menu

  3. Click on all products

  4. Select the product you would like to unassign from it’s category (you can select more products at once, as long as they are in the same category)

  5. Click on the arrow next to ‘more actions’ and click on ‘Remove category’

  6. Select the correct category and click on the ‘Unassign category’ CTA.

  7. When it’s saved a message will appear left of the ‘Assign category’ CTA. You get a failed message? Then you probaby selected the wrong category.

  8. Close the window and you’re done!


copyright wolfpack DCS b.v. 2020