KPI report

To access the KPI report you can either click on your company logo at the top right of the menu, or by clicking on the ‘home’ button. This page is features a general KPI report on your sales (image 1).

Continue reading to learn more about the functionalities of the KPI report and how to make the most of it.

Image 1: KPI report


Data summary

The top bar in grey (image 2) displays general data on your revenue, returns, mispicks, items and stock. This data automatically updates, you will be able to find out when the report was refreshed last by checking the ‘last update’ section.

Image 2: data summary

How to filter your data to fine tune your report

On the right side of the report you will find a panel with different filters (image 3). Adding a filter to your report will affect the records that appear and narrows down what data displays. This allows you to fine tune your report.

You can use multiple filters to display the data that meets your criteria. For example, you can set the date to the last month. Additionally, you can select certain channels where products were sold, or you can choose to filter on SKUs.

You will notice that certain filters also allow you to select a filter type (image 4), When opening the dropdown of filter type, you can choose between basic filtering and advanced filtering:

  1. ‘Basic filtering’ shows specific values for that filter, and you will be able to select your options by ticking a checkbox.

  2. When you are using ‘advanced filtering’, you can add specific criteria. As you enter new criteria, choosing the AND or OR to add multiple criteria. Use AND to narrow your report and find records that match all of the values you enter. Use OR to broaden your results to include matches for either the first value or the second value.

Image 3: filter panel


Image 4: basic and advanced filtering options

When you wish to reset your filters, simply click the eraser icon in of each filter you’ve applied to restore the original report (image 5).

Image 5: click the eraser icon to restore your filter

copyright wolfpack DCS b.v. 2020